
We recognize your hard work

Every two years the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO) highlights achievements in Education, Prevention of Blindness and Humanitarian Service in the Americas and beyond.  At the upcoming 34th Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology in Cancun, Mexico in May 2019, we are proud to announce the following medal recipients:

The Gradle Medal for Good Teaching

2019 Recipient

Denise de Freitas MD (Brazil)


The Gradle Medal for Good Teaching was established in 1960 by Mrs. Audry Hayden Gradle in memory of Harry S. Gradle, MD, co-founder of the PAAO.  The Gradle Medal for Teaching acknowledges excellence in teaching and education in the field of ophthalmology.  This award recognizes an ophthalmologist who has demonstrated leadership in in the field of Ophthalmology and  who exemplifies excellence and promotes best practice in education.  The awardee promotes positive relationships between the training program and the community and has been an advocate in the field of Ophthalmology.

A. Edward Maumenee Award for Distinguished Services

2019 Recipients

J. Bronwyn Bateman MD (USA) &
Bradley R. Straatsma MD JD (USA)


Established in 1983, the Pan-American Medal for Distinguished Services Award is presented at Pan-American congresses to individuals who have provided exemplary service to the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology for continuing education for ophthalmologists, the prevention of blindness and the promotion of scientific and cultural exchange among ophthalmologists in the Western Hemisphere.  The name change took place in 1999 to honor A. Edward Maumenee, MD, for his extensive contribution to the Pan-American cause, making the award to be the A. Edward Maumenee Award for Distinguished Services.

The Benjamin F. Boyd Humanitarian Award

2019 Recipient

Liana Ventura MD PhD (Brazil)


The Benjamin F. Boyd Humanitarian Medal for Services to the Americas was established in 1987 to acknowledge individuals who have extended singular and significant service to the people of the Americas through ophthalmological service and blindness prevention activities,public services related to the advancement of ophthalmology or blindness prevention, or such other service activities.

Fernando Arévalo Young Ophthalmologist Award

2019 Recipient

Roberto Gallego-Pinazo MD PhD (Spain)


The J. Fernando Arévalo Young Ophthalmologist Award was established in 2019 to provide a vehicle for the recognition of outstanding achievement of a young ophthalmologist who is a member of the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO) and who resides in the Americas, Spain or Portugal; who has demonstrated promise in academics; who has published and presented relatively extensively for his/her age; and who has participated in leadership activities in national and/or subspecialty societies or supranational societies. The award also desires to serve to motivate other young ophthalmologists to serve in similar programs, organizations, and to follow a career in academics.
The winner receives a $2,500 prize and presents a lecture at the PAAO congress. The J. Fernando Arévalo Young Ophthalmologist Award has been established by J. Fernando Arévalo, MD, FACS, The Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Professor of Ophthalmology at Johns Hopkins University’s Wilmer Eye Institute and a native of Venezuela.


Paul Kayser / RRF Global Award

2019 Recipient

Mary Elizabeth Hartnett MD (USA)
The University of Utah, John A Moran Eye Center


Established in 2012, the Paul Kayser/ RRF Global Award was conceived as a vehicle for the recognition of outstanding achievement in visual science with preference given in the specialized field of research on the retina and vitreous. The purpose of the award is to identify and recognize a vision science professional whose work has made a significant new contribution to knowledge about improving vision and prevention of blindness.

One award in the amount of $50,000 (US) will be given in conjunction with the biennial Pan-American Congresses. The first award was presented at the 30th Pan-American Congress of Ophthalmology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The award is funded by the Retina Research Foundation.


Lions/PAAO Award in Blindness Prevention

2019 Recipient

Maria López Vitolás MD (Mexico)


Established in 2011, the Lions/PAAO Award in Blindness Prevention recognizes an individual ophthalmologist with a record of excellence, innovation, and dedication in the field of blindness prevention. The Lions/PAAO Award in Blindness Prevention is granted once a year to a nominee that is a citizen and practicing ophthalmologist in the host country of the Pan-American Regional Course or Congress.


Troutman-Véronneau Prize

2019 Recipient

Cristian M. Salgado MD (Chile)


The Troutman Véronneau Prize was established in 1993 to recognize the best work submitted by an ophthalmologist under the age of 45, alternating between cornea and strabismus. The 2019 prize will be given for the most original, previously unpublished paper on the subject of Pediatric Ophthalmology and/or Strabismus Surgery. The winner receives a $10,000 prize and presents the winning paper at the PAAO congresses. The Troutman-Véronneau Prize has been established by Richard C. Troutman, MD, and Suzanne Véronneau, MD, of New York City.

ICO Mark Tso Golden Apple Award

2019 Recipient

Rubens Belfort Jr. MD PhD (Brazil)


The ICO Mark Tso Golden Apple Award is presented by the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) to those individuals who have demonstrated innovative or exceptional achievements in ophthalmic education.

IAPB Francisco Contreras Prevention of Blindness Award

2019 Recipient

Juan Carlos Silva MD (Colombia)


The IAPB Francisco Contreras Prevention of Blindness Award was established in 2013 by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) to recognize ophthalmologists who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to Prevention of Blindness activities in the Americas.  The first award was presented to Dr. Francisco Contreras at the 30th Pan-American Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.